Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's The Little Things: Dad Update 6/11/2014

I can't help but look at our situation, look at Mom and Dad, and look at our friends and family surrounding us and think, "Man, we are so blessed!"

I read a quote recently that said: "If we all threw our problems on a pile and saw what everyone else was going through, we would quickly grab ours back." And how incredibly true is that! Sometimes we tend to focus so much on the bad, focus on what could be better, that we tend to forget what has already gone right for us, we forget how much good each situation has brought us. 

Dad has had another great week, mowing the yard, working in the garden, keeping the house together, and improving on his speech every day. It's extremely challenging for him to have conversations with others, but my heart is so full when I see him going over to talk with friends he hasn't seen in a while- I love seeing his confidence increasing and his speech getting better and better. 

Dad continues to have a good appetite and actually gained a pound at his last appointment- which is HUGE since he lost some weight after his surgery. He still needs to rest during the day, but I love seeing him out in the yard, I love seeing him laugh again, and I love seeing him respond to jokes on tv- it makes me realize that his cognitive skills that were impacted by the tumor are slowly coming back!

So you see, it's really the little things for us, these little things have become so huge for us, and daily we are reminded how blessed we really are.

Another true blessing came to us on Mother's Day weekend- we found out my sister, Genna, is pregnant with their first child, and the first grandchild for our family! Such perfect timing and such a blessing to welcome a child into this amazing family, as I truly can not wait to be an Aunt! 

I continue to see so many others going through such difficult times in their lives, and my heart breaks for them. I pray they continue to see the good throughout it all, I pray they find that although their problems and struggles seem so big there is nothing too big for our God, and I pray that they are surrounded by people who will love, support and comfort them throughout it all- the same way we have been loved, supported and comforted during our journey.  

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."

Dad has become one of the "most beautiful people [I] have known". He's seen defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and has more than found his way out of the depths. He is appreciative, sensitive and understands that life has helped fill him with compassion, gentleness, and deep love. His beauty didn't just happen, it was formed over time, and I always knew my Dad was pretty amazing, but it took this life changing event for me to truly understand the kind of man he is, and I'm more than proud of my beautiful Dad. 

With another MRI right around the corner, I ask for prayers for good results and for Dad to continue to BTHO Brain Cancer!

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