Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Another Round of Chemo Done! Update 5/28/2014

"Yeah, every time I think about when he had the seizure my mind goes back to (the) fair only 2 weeks before...We were all hanging out talking and you would never ever have known what was going on. He has come a long way from where he started. He is an impressive man, that is for sure." 

There are many times where I feel like writing, expressing my thoughts, feelings and emotions, but there are many times where I can't seem to find any words to put down on paper. Those moments where the words aren't there, those moments where I'm feeling truly lost in this journey, I somehow seem to find inspiration to continue on, inspiration to write. 

Many things inspire me to write- my daily devotional, quotes I find from other cancer fighters and caregivers, and encouraging words from friends and family. That quote above was from a friend of mine, a friend of mine that I've known since the 3rd grade, a friend of mine that reminds me that although we grow separately, we've never grown apart, a friend of mine that is more like a sister. She reminded me how inspiring Dad has been to others, how he continues to impress me daily and others in his fight, and she reminded me that we have come such a long way in just a short amount of time. 

The cards that have been mailed, the calls that have been made, the text messages that have been sent, all have been shared with Dad, and I know that has made such a huge difference. I see support from so many people- people who are all too familiar with our struggle, and those who just want to help. We can not thank you all enough! Because of the kind words and wonderful amounts of prayers, I'm inspired to be happy and thankful. Our friends and family have inspired us to want to help others, the way we've been helped by so many, and our friends and family have inspired us to keep fighting. 

Dad finished another round of chemo last week, and I'm happy to say that he has continued to feel good and continued his positive attitude throughout it all. Dad will have another round of Avastin treatment on Monday, followed by an appointment with Dr. Fleener. At this appointment we will schedule the MRI and follow-up MRI appointment. Knowing another MRI is right around the corner brings the anxiety and fear that I so dread having, but I'm trying to take it all one day at a time and learning to trust in a much higher power throughout this all. 

Dad is listed on the 'Hero' section on the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation website, a foundation that has given more to me than I'll ever be able to give back, a foundation that has given hope to our family, hope for a cure. I encourage you all to visit the 'Hero' section, here you will see Dad's page, along with so many others who are or have fought this disease, so many others who know of our fight all too well.

When Dad was first diagnosed I had never heard of anyone having brain cancer. I felt lost, alone and terrified of our journey. I was able to read so many stories of others who fought this disease, others who know of our battle, and others who continue to fight every day.

I pray each day that Dad continues to fight this disease, and I pray each day that we all continue with the strength to make it through this fight- it's never easy, but having such a strong faith seems to make the bad days good, and the good days great.

Keep praying and we will keep fighting to BTHO Brain Cancer!

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