Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation Event. 2/24/2015

Last night my sister and I, along with another couple, attended an event hosted by the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation. To say I left feeling overwhelmed with love and support would be a complete understatement, as I left with a new feeling of hope. 

The event was held at a beautiful home, filled with great food and drinks, and even more interesting and exciting information on brain cancer treatment. We listened as the top doctors talked about the treatment options and clinical trials that are on the path to a cure because of the funding by Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation. To hear so many treatment options are being tested and are on the fast path by the FDA BECAUSE of the donations made by the foundation was so incredibly heartwarming. Last year our team raised over $10,000 to be donated to the foundation, and last night I listened and realized that each and every dollar was going towards a CURE. 

I think the event was also great for the couple that attended with us, as the wife (Amanda) was diagnosed with brain cancer in December, the same exact type of cancer as Dad. I remember when Dad went through his initial treatment- 6 weeks of radiation and 6 weeks of chemotherapy- and I remember how incredibly difficult that last week of treatment was for him. He was tired, he was sick, and oh how he dreaded having to take any more medication. But he survived that last week, maybe not with a smile on his face all of the time, but with a head filled with determination and fight- and that's exactly what I see in Amanda. I see the same physical and mental exhaustion in her eyes, but I also see this drive and fight to win- win the battle against brain cancer. I'm asking for a few extra prayers these next 6 treatments, as she completes her initial round of treatment. 

I once read, "We decide the first day of our cancer diagnosis whether we are going to be victims or survivors. We decide to muster up all our strength to fight to win. We decide to stay positive and not let cancer define us. We decide how we are going to handle each day. Yes, there are good days and bad days, but your attitudes determine each day. Hold on to your hopes, dreams, faith and determination, and gather your strength from your support systems, because in the fight against cancer, we cannot give up."

Never give up. That's the attitude of so many at the event last night, especially those patients who are currently battling brain cancer. And that's the attitude of the foundation, never give up. 

To hear the advances that are being made and to hear that the money raised from the foundation was backing so many of these advances made my heart so incredibly full. I realized that we are making a difference in the brain cancer community, we are moving forward with treatment options for so many just like Dad, and we going to be part of the CURE. 

The 'Run For The Rose' is such an incredible event for not only my family, but so many others who are battling or have battled this disease. It gives us hope, it provides us with a support system, and it provides us comfort. We see the hope in so many brain cancer SURVIVORS at the race. We receive the support from so many who have decided to take time out of their day, or money out of their wallets, for a CURE. And we are provided comfort from so many who just understand our story, because our story is so incredibly similar to their story. 

Please consider joining our team for the upcoming run, or making a donation, to help give hope, support and comfort to so many battling against brain cancer.

Dad is completing another round of chemotherapy, and although I know he dreads this week each month, he continues to provide us with a smile each and every day, and an incredible amount of determination to win. 

Continue the prayers, as we continue fighting to BTHO Brain Cancer!

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