Monday, February 15, 2016

Why I Run For The Rose.

As our 3rd trip to 'Run For The Rose' approaches, I wanted to share the reason why I'm so incredibly passionate about the 'Run For The Rose' 5k- which supports the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation and brain cancer research in Houston. And it's pretty simple. Because I want to change something that brain cancer patients and families hear after a diagnosis. I want to change the prognosis. 

"For adults diagnosed with Glioblastoma, treated with temozolamide (chemotherapy) and radiation therapy, the median survival is 14.6 months, and two year survival is 30%."

I remember hearing those statistics as we learned what type of tumor Dad was fighting against, and I remember thinking 14.6 months just isn't long enough. 14.6 months was not enough time. 

And thankfully, through Dad's amazing strength, faith and fight- along with the countless number of people praying for us, and our amazing doctor who continues to provide the best possible care- we are 28 months post diagnosis. We've reached the two year survival mark. We are so incredibly lucky.

But we also know there are many that do not get to see the two year survival mark. And because of that, because of the devastation that can come with a brain cancer diagnosis, we fight to bring awareness and funding for a CURE. I pray that one day, no family will ever have hear "terminal cancer" at the initial point of diagnosis. I pray that one day, no family will be forced to search clinical trials for their loved one, just after the very few FDA approved treatments are showing to not be nearly as strong as the beast Glioblastoma. I pray that Dad will see the day of a cure, and know that his struggle and fight during this battle was worth it in raising awareness and funds for brain cancer research. This is why I Run For The Rose. This is why it means so much to me and my family.

We would love to flood the course with our Maroon- BTHO Brain Cancer t-shirts and help show our love and support to Dad, and the many other brain cancer patients and families. Please consider joining us on April 10, 2016 or consider making a donation to the foundation.

In a recent Facebook post I shared the following, and I think it very accurately helps describe my love and passion for the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation:

I wish I had all the words to truly share how much the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation means to my entire family. Through the initial diagnosis, they were our support system- as we relied on them to navigate through a brain cancer diagnosis, and then, as the treatments continued they became our source of information for upcoming treatment options (many of which they directly fund!), and then when Dad's MRI in November indicated potential growth, they were the ones I turned to for recommendations for doctors at MD Anderson and clinical trials. And the beauty of it all- our story of the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation supporting us from day 1 is not unique, as this is exactly what the foundation does for so many other patients receiving the news of a brain cancer diagnosis. This is why the foundation and the 'Run For The Rose' is so important to our family, this is why I am constantly recruiting others to join us for the 'Run For The Rose' 5k in Houston, this is why we are able to stand so strong in Dad's fight- because we know we are part of the FIGHT for a cure. And I'm so very proud of that.

We are still managing through the Medicare information- as I've learned way more than I ever thought I would know about Part A, Part B, Part D, supplemental insurance, medicare advantage plans...the list goes on. When people tell me that they're sorry we have to deal with all the pains of insurance, I quickly remind them that we never thought we would be this far in Dad's diagnosis. We never imagined that we would have made it to when he was Medicare eligible- so this "problem", I will gladly take with open arms! Another round of chemotherapy starts on February 22, and we continue to pray for a good 5 days for Dad- as he battles through the side effects of the drugs. It's not easy, and I know it's a difficult week- but we continue to lift him up in prayers as he fights to win this battle.

Thank you all for the continued love and prayers being sent our way- and thanks for helping us BTHO Brain Cancer!

(Picture from last year's Run For The Rose)

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