Wednesday, March 9, 2016

"Rest in My radiant presence." Dad Update 3/9/2016

Today, I turned to my devotional and read the following:

"Rest in My radiant presence. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur. Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in union with Me...Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power...Life in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others."

Oh how it seems that sometimes the world is truly spinning faster and faster, leaving me exhausted- physically and emotionally exhausted. 

Days at the Cancer Clinic have the tendency to do just that, and I'm usually left exhausted. I think it's because I work myself up so much, thinking of all the questions I may have for Dr. Fleener, stressing about the next time she will want an MRI- as it always seems to fall around a time where I would prefer to not have an MRI, but then again when is a good time?- and mentally preparing myself to be in a place where I never imagined would become our second home. And these are the days that we do NOT get MRI results, it's too difficult to explain the emotions, anxiety, name it- that I have on actual MRI days.

Dr. Fleener calls us "frequent flyers" of the Cancer Clinic. We are there every 2 weeks for treatment, once a month for appointments with her, and every 6-8 weeks for MRI's. I know every nurse, each staff member, and they know us- all by first name. I know how to fix the chair just right so Dad can nap during treatment (which I'm getting much better at seeing the first few times he about flew out of the chair- sorry Lar!), and I know where the secret stash of bottled water is that Dad likes after his treatment. 

Yesterday's appointment for Dad went well, and Dr. Fleener is very pleased with how well he is handling the treatment and how well he continues to fight this disease. We were THRILLED to hear that the Cancer Clinic now has the ability to treat newly diagnosed Glioblastoma patients, and recurrent Glioblastoma patients with Optune. (See picture below)
Ok, so it looks a bit weird, wearing this cap on your head, carrying around a backpack full of batteries to supply the treatment- but y'all it's working on people! It's all so encouraging, which is why this is on my list for Dad's next treatment option!

I've always said that there is no coincidence, instead it's just God's way of remaining anonymous. Well, here goes some of God's incredible hand in all of this!

Dad's general physician's son- ok so that seems a bit removed from our family, so let me start over. My aunt is the nurse (and has been for years, also voted Brenham's Favorite Nurse many years in a row- congrats Joan!) for our general physician, Dr. Hayden. After Dad's diagnosis, my aunt mentioned what type of brain cancer my Dad would be fighting against, and my Dad's general physician told us about the device his son is helping promote and get to patients for a company called Novocure- which is the Optune device above. 

After Dad's MRI in November showed some enhancement and we were all concerned about regrowth, I immediately called my aunt and wanted names, doctors, details- I wanted it ALL about this device. We shared the name and phone number of our general physician's son, who works with the company that makes this device, and the doctor in Temple that utilizes this device for patients. Currently, our next option would be to travel to Houston or Temple to receive treatment with this device.

But yesterday we heard the news, Dr. Fleener's office would now be able to provide this treatment option to Glioblastoma patients! Currently, Dr. Fleener is treating 8 Glioblastoma patients in her office- for being such a "rare" disease it seems pretty unreal that there are THAT many with this disease. But we are so thankful that not only will Dad have this treatment option IF his tumor returns, but 7 other people will be able to utilize this device with their current doctor if they need it. Talk about a FULL FULL heart! 

Dad completed another round of Avastin, and I so badly wish I could do a countdown of the number of rounds he will have, or the number of chemotherapy treatments left in his battle, but unfortunately, these will never end. I see the bell at the cancer clinic and I so badly wish that Dad had the chance to ring that bell, indicating that he has completed his cancer treatment- but it's all just the nature of the beast we are up against. 

We continue to be so hopeful that Dad's treatments are working and we will have another good MRI in our future, but until then we continue to celebrate little victories and special moments- including Mom and Dad's 33rd wedding anniversary:

Another round of chemotherapy will be quickly approaching, along with our 3rd trip to Run For The Rose. We currently have 74 team members and we've raised $2,435 to help support brain cancer research through the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation. We would love to have everyone join us on April 10 to help support Dad, and so many other families just like mine. Please consider making a donation or joining our team that day! 

As always, we continue to be so thankful and blessed for the wonderful support system of friends and family on this journey. Thank you all, and thanks for helping us BTHO Brain Cancer!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear that your dad has cancer. I know your dad is exhausted, but encourage him to continue to fight! God will work everything out for his good so just keep praying and having faith. I am thrilled to hear the doctor will be having that new treatment in her office soon. Remember to keep hope alive!


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