Monday, April 10, 2017

Dad's 3.5 Year Cancer-versary. 4/10/2017

Dad celebrated his 3.5 year cancer-versary on April 5, 2017 (ok so I'm a few days late!), but what an incredible 3.5 years it has been!

The updates on the blog seem to be spaced out more, and that's really because Dad is doing so well! He is no longer taking any chemotherapy, or Avastin, and his blood pressure issues are almost completely gone. So his days are now filled with outside activities- helping Mom in the garden, mowing grass, and running out to their land in Burton to feed fish and check on the property. Sounds pretty amazing, right? 

The two year survival rate for someone with Glioblastoma is 27%. I sometimes think of that statistic and sit in awe at how amazing Dad has continued to fight throughout these last 3.5 years. 

The overwhelming amount of strength Dad has shown throughout it all has directly impacted so many- including me- as I truly believe Dad's journey is not complete because there is a far bigger plan for him here in the physical world. 

These last 3.5 years have been some of the most difficult times we have experienced as a family, but also some of the most rewarding. We look back now and can't believe we survived it all- the hospital stays, the bad MRIs, and the countless trips to the Oncologist, but we did, we survived it all by leaning on one another, and our faith. 

"Your struggles are part of a much larger battle, and the way you handle them can contribute to outcomes with eternal significance. When you respond to your troubles by trusting Me and praying with thanksgiving, you glorify Me."

I have always said there is true purpose in pain, because without repeating that over and over again, I may have gone absolutely crazy throughout it all. 

Thank you all who continue to follow our story and who ask about Dad, it's been a blessing to see the number of people Dad has continued to impact throughout our journey. 

And as always, thank you all for helping us BTHO Brain Cancer!

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