Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dad Update 1/28/2014: Remission

Remission. A word I wasn't expecting to hear yesterday at my Dad's MRI appointment. Remission. 

To say I'm overwhelmed with joy to hear the news that Dad's MRI looked great, with no signs of residual tumor, is a complete understatement. I'm on cloud 9. I went into the appointment expecting to hear the worst, but hoping for the best- and of course Mom kept telling me, "It will be good, I just know it." Her faith still impresses me daily.

But to also say that this journey is done is far from the truth, as the road ahead is still very long. The MRI's will not end, nor will the maintenance chemo pills Dad will need to take for a good while longer- maybe even the rest of his life. 

The type of brain cancer Dad is fighting is extremely aggressive and, I've always heard, it's not a matter of if it will come back- but a matter of when. I'm praying for Dad to be the exception. 

Dad was told yesterday that he will no longer need to attend speech therapy weekly- which is great news, as Dad has come so far! We are now working with another speech therapist to do more of his therapy via apps on an iPad. This is a HUGE learning curve for Dad- as we all know, he isn't much into technology. But, if this means less trips to College Station and more independence for him, he is ALL for it. 

Dad will start the chemo maintenance pills this week and in another 8 weeks will have another MRI. We all keep praying the chemo continues to work and Dad's speech continues to get better each and every day. 

I know I've said this many times in other posts, but our family has been so extremely blessed throughout this entire process. We have been blessed with a close knit family, who have gone out of their way to pray, help take Dad to treatment, provide a meal, or just visit Dad during the week. I could not imagine not having my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents with us on this journey. They have been the shoulder to lean on when times were extremely difficult and the ones we called with good news. We have also been blessed with an amazing support system of friends. Many of my friends have caught me at my lowest of lows- especially hearing news of the tumor and the type of tumor- and have also been there with me as I've celebrated huge milestones in Dad's fight. And we have also been blessed with an extremely understanding work environment for Dad. His co-workers have gone above and beyond to provide meals and just be understanding of Dad's condition and ability to not return to work at this time. 

The journey ahead is still long and filled with many unknowns, but with continued prayers and thoughts I know Dad can continue to improve! Thank you again for all of your support and prayers during this time for me and my family- we have truly felt the love!

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