Thursday, April 2, 2015

Pearl. Dad Update 4/2/2015

The grit of life. 

The irritations of life.

The aggravating, challenging circumstances we each face daily.

And sometimes, we need a bit of a reminder WHY we see this "grit" on a daily basis. And sometimes this reminder comes from a wonderful friend who decided to email me a little analogy:

"The grit of life, the irritations of life, the aggravating, challenging circumstances of life that create multiple layers of irritation...well to the oyster is just everyday life. The oyster seemingly takes this grit, without complaining, closes it's shell and oozes out a substance that is slowly refined by the grit to make a pearl. Making something so valuable and beautiful out of life's challenges. Or is it that something beautiful emerges from the grit of life? If we work with it, sit with it, roll it around, not spewing it out, but allowing it to be what it is, seeing it for what it is- the potential for beauty. Just think the pearl only exist because of the rubbing and chaffing of the grit of life, slowly unfolding itself, over and over, like in the way our minds and bodies find things irritating and uncomfortable day in and day out, yet if we give it a chance, if we stay with it, engaging in the experiences rather than running from them- if we learn to see the way the oyster sees, knowing that the beauty of the result, a pearl, we can strive for our best self.

This can be compared to our relationship with God. He knows what we can handle and he is always refining us ('the grit in life'). If we can see through his eyes, strive to be like Jesus, and know by faith that we are His jewels in the making, we can be at peace with ourselves and the daily grind in life."

How perfectly written. 

How beautifully written.

I started to think about my grit. About the grit in my life and if these challenging circumstances these last 18 months have turned into pearls yet, and at first I thought there was no way my life had any pearls, there was no way the pearls outweighed the grit at this time. But then when I really started to think, I realized it was so clear how many pearls this grit has created. How many pearls Dad's fight has brought to my life.

This blog. Just one of many pearls. I started this blog after Mom and I received countless phone calls and text messages, and although we loved being able to have everyone know what we were going through so they knew what to pray for, it was also emotionally exhausting for us to share our situation, even on some of our good days. So I decided a blog would be the easiest way to share Dad's fight. The blog has slowly turned into something that I so desperately needed in this situation- an outlet. It's allowed me to share our good, and bad days. It's allowed me to share our faith, and at times, lack of faith in our journey. It's allowed me to have others follow us step by step in our battle against cancer. And most importantly, it's allowed us to not feel alone. As of today I've had over 21,200 views. It still completely blows my mind when I see the number of people who read our story and follow our story. 

'The Run For The Rose'.
Talk about a HUGE pearl. We are so incredibly close to raising our goal of $5,000 this year, which will mean in the last 2 years our team has helped raise $15,000 to support brain cancer research in Houston. $15,000!!!! I think about the numerous people who are diagnosed with this disease, and I realize that our donations are helping the future of so many families. It will give them HOPE for a cure, and HOPE for treatment options. I just know in my lifetime we will find a cure, and I'm so proud to be part of it all. 
Not only have we financially support the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation, but in the last 2 years we've brought 142 people (47 runners in 2014 & 95 runner in 2015) to the annual 'Run For The Rose'. We've helped bring awareness to brain cancer research and we've helped to support so many other families just like ours by participating in the run. 

Those are just two pearls I've realized from Dad's battle these last 18 months. And one major pearl. My faith.

It's been tested. There is no denying that. I've been hurt, frustrated and aggravated with our challenges, but in the end I look and see some pretty amazing "pearls" that have come from it all. And for that, I can't help but look at these last 18 months as less of "grit" and more of "pearls".

Dad finished chemo last week and felt better than he's felt since we started combining his treatment with Avastin- what a blessing! So now we wait for the next MRI to tell us our next treatment path. We wait. Oh how I hate waiting! But Dad's been doing more in the yard and his speech seems to be improving daily since his mini-stroke- and for that, I am so incredibly blessed. We pray for good MRI results and hopefully a more clear path on our treatment plan for the future.

But until then, we take it all one day at a time and try to enjoy the Easter weekend with family.

Asking for continued prayers as our next MRI is quickly approaching, along with continued prayers for another brain cancer family, as their MRI is also quickly approaching. Also, prayers for a sweet family, as they received the news that no cancer patient wants to hear- "there is nothing more we can do." I hope the family can see the pearls from there journey, although I know all too well that right now their world is filled with more "grit" than ever. Asking for continued prayers for them as they wait patiently for MD Anderson to accept them for clinical trials, and ask for continued prayers for the cancer growth to stop and for the patient to feel better. Prayer is powerful, and this family needs it more than ever right now. 

There is still time to help GROW this "pearl" of mine, by joining our team or making a donation to 'Run For The Rose'.

Continue the prayers, as we continue fighting to BTHO Brain Cancer!

1 comment:

  1. This article serves as a poignant reminder of why it is so important to show those around us that we love them. Time is promised to no one, and good health and finances are truly gifts, as is faith. Keep striving for what is important in your life: your family and your strength!

    Kacey @ Glendale MRI


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