Monday, April 13, 2015

Run For The Rose 2015. 4/13/2015

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Or maybe I should change that last part from "dance" to "run", because that's exactly what we did yesterday morning in Houston to support Dad and brain cancer research- we ran in the rain. 

As mile 2 hit in our run, and the rain was coming down a bit harder than I was anticipating, I sort of laughed to myself when I thought of that quote. And then quickly thought of another quote from a prior blog post- "Rain falls on the just and the unjust". Even when you have faith, you'll still have difficulties, but when the storms come, you will not be defeated. 

And I think yesterday proved just that. Not only did we not allow the storms to defeat us, but I think we all had a chance to dance in the rain (ok, maybe not literally!). We were able to celebrate Dad's HUGE milestone of 18 months post diagnosis, and we were able to love and support so many other families just like mine. And for that, there was no amount of rain that could dampen my day. 

We had a team of 112 people- which is more than DOUBLE our size from last year, AND we raised $6,500 to support the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation, and brain cancer research in Houston. My heart is so incredibly full. 

After the run, Dad had a chance to see each soaking wet person come inside to the post-race party, and as much as he wished it didn't rain on us, he loved seeing each of you complete the run. To all those who attended the run and proudly wore your maroon t-shirt, I really can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your Sunday and spending it with us. I wish I had all the words to really thank you and share our appreciation to each of you, but I'm not sure if there are enough words to truly do just that. Dad is able to see each of you love and support him on this journey, and THAT is key in fighting this disease. 

I've been able to share with Dad each person who has made a donation or requested a "BTHO Brain Cancer" t-shirt, and Dad continues to be overwhelmed with all of the support. Thank you to each of you who donated to the run and continue to support brain cancer research in Houston. Dad's Houston doctor was at the run, and directly benefits from the foundation in supporting her clinical trials for brain cancer patients. We are so thankful we have not had to utilize any of the clinical trials offered by his Houston doctor, but we are more than happy to help support these for Dad's future treatment options.

The run was a huge success, and I hope all of our team members had a great time (even with the rain!). It takes a lot of planning on our part to coordinate such a large team, and each year we will get better at organizing and planning the event, this I promise you, but I hope each of you had a great time and will want to join us again next year for an even BIGGER team for the run. 

My sweet co-worker printed off a verse for me when we were all training for the half-marathon, and I continue to keep it up in my office for those days when I need a little reminder:
"Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that is so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of Faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Thank you all for such a successful trip to 'Run For The Rose', and we ask for continued prayers as our next round of chemo and MRI will be approaching. 

Again, thank you all, and thanks for helping us BTHO Brain Cancer!

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