Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Loud and Clear. Part II. Dad Update 5/17/2016

In my last post I talked about how God has been speaking to me loud and clear recently, and when I pulled out my devotional this morning, I could help but just laugh. Yes God, I get it- you're coming in loud and clear.

I would be lying if I said that MRI days get easier, that we are in a routine when it comes to receiving these results- but that is far from the truth. Each time is more and more stressful, as we are now 31.5 months post diagnosis. 

We were given 14 months after Dad's tumor was found. We've more than surpassed what was expected- and that has a lot to do with the power of prayer! And our attitude of HOPE, instead of hopelessness, has had a lot to do with all of these "loud and clear" moments...like the one this morning. 

"As you sit quietly in My presence, remember that I am a God of abundance. I will never run out of resources; My capacity to bless you is unlimited...living by faith, not by sight."

By all scientific statistics, Dad's tumor should have returned, and it should have returned with vengeance. Aggressive is a good way to describe Dad's cancer- and when you google Glioblastoma, you'll commonly see "most aggressive cancer that begins in the brain..." 

By all scientific statistics, Dad should have been faced with the tumor returning...but sometimes there are things that science just can't explain- and in those moments it would be foolish to not believe in a much higher power controlling each and every step. 

Dad's MRI today showed no changes from the last MRI- which means, no tumor growth! We are thrilled! The MRI still shows the small enhancement, although if this was TRUE tumor growth, the MRI would have shown a mass, as Dad's type of tumor can double in size every 2 weeks. The MRI did not show a mass, just that small area of enhancement. 

Dr. Fleener is not sure what exactly that small area of enhancement could be- possibly some blood flow to the area where the tumor was removed- we are unsure. But what we do know, is that it is currently not a mass of any type, and that is what we are taking from this MRI.

We would be unrealistic if we didn't constantly think about the "what if" and the future of Dad's cancer treatment, as this is a type of tumor that is known for the question "When will the tumor return?" Because, statistically, almost 100% of these return. 

But we would be unrealistic if we didn't send our praises, thanksgiving and pure joy to friends and family during this time- as you've all once again proven the true power of prayer. We asked for prayers- heck I feel like I've been begging for them!- and you've each poured prayers our way since day 1. And for that, we will forever be so thankful. 

Dad received another round of Avastin today, and started another round of chemotherapy last night. These weeks are tough, but I know Dad is tougher. 

With all the news and buzz surrounding Glioblastoma and the new treatment option out of Duke University receiving such BIG news- we can't help but be so thankful for the HOPE treatments and news coverage about Dad's disease continue to give families like ours and patients like Dad. 

This morning when I got up, and surrounding me were thoughts of concern, confusion, and doubt in this journey, I repeated the words of my aunt- "We will deal with whatever it is." Pretty simple advice, but so incredibly true. 

We can't plan the cards we are dealt, we can't determine what will or will not happen in our day to day activities, but what we can do is sit quietly in His presence, remembering that he is a God of abundance, and never will He run out of resources. 

This weekend we helped celebrate my cousin's wedding. We each take these moments of celebration that Dad attends as the little things in life that mean so incredibly much. We have been so blessed these last 31.5 months, and we continue to pray that it is God's plan for many more months to come. 

Thank you all for the continued thoughts and prayers, and thank you for helping us BTHO Brain Cancer!

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